
You can assign different colours to your content in your pages using the categories. We start you off with 3 default categories, but you can remove them or add more and change their colours by clicking on them on the Categories screen (you'll see a link to that screen on the left in the Navigation Drawer).

As you add more content to your pages, we will keep a running total of the content you have assigned to a particular category, and also a percentage of the total.

Example screenshot

You can display your current category stats on your flatplan. This way you get to see a running total on how many fragments have been assigned a category. Take a look in the View Options menu.

Example screenshot

You can use categories for anything you like. For instance, you could use them to visualize your workflow. So you could set up categories like:

  • Copy selected
  • Sent to sub-editing
  • Sent to layout
  • 1st proof returned
  • Passed to press
  • Invoice issues
  • Client approved


Bulk Editing

If you select multiple pages at once by clicking on the drag handle of each page, you can apply Categories to multiple pages at once.

There are two modes for this:

If all bulk-selected pages are full-page templates, then you can apply a category to all selected pages.

Example screenshot

If your bulk-selected pages have a variety of templates, then you can shift all fragments of a particular category to a differnt category. Try it out and use the UNDO facility if it didn't work out the way you had imagined.

Example screenshot