We have clients in over 140 countries.
Join them.

Start a free 15 day trial

no credit card required, cancel any time

  • 6 people
  • 3 active flatplans
  • 90 pages per flatplan
$15 / month
  • 6 people
  • 5 active flatplans
  • 175 pages per flatplan
$20 / month
  • 6 people
  • 5 active flatplans
  • 400 pages per flatplan
$29 / month
  • 10 people
  • 10 active flatplans
  • 650 pages per flatplan
$39 / month

You can upgrade or downgrade at any time.

Once you have signed up for a Trial account, you can upgrade to one of our paid accounts.

Common Questions

How does payment work?

Payment works via credit card. When you upgrade to a paid plan, we will take the first payment, and the same time next month, the next next payment etc. Your subscription is recurring, and it will automatically continue every month until you cancel your account.

Will we be charged when our trial is up?

No. We don't ask for your credit card up front, so you'll only be charged when you decide you’re ready. If you want to continue after your trial, we'll ask for payment details. If not — cancel with a click, no questions asked.

What if we need a longer trial?

We’re happy to give you some more time. Just let us know and we'll extend your trial.

Can we cancel at any time?

There's no minimum contract for Blinkplan — cancel at any time without penalty or hassle.

Need More?

Or something else? Please contact us to discuss your ideas or concerns. Email us .

Give Blinkplan a Try

With Blinkplan you'll ...

Collaborate within teams. You can work within a team and collaborate on the same flat plan (or some people call it "railway") and see all the live real-time changes and comments from others appear in your flatplan.

Have over 70 ready made ad-sizes ready for you. There is no need to create your ad sizes, and if there is an ad size that is missing - we will create it for you. It doesn't take long.

Get going quicker. There is no configuration to set up, and you can start working immediately. Blinkplan intelligently sets the right defaults, remembers your categories for the next flatplan, and can base your new railway on your previous one.

Work faster. You can easily move pages around, store them in a Holding Area when you have mind up your mind about where they should go. You can quickly get to just the right piece of content to edit.

Share easily. You can share a snapshot view of your flatplan with anybody - they don't even need a login, and they can easily download a printable PDF version if they like.

Keep totals. No more separate spreadsheets to figure out your editorial/ad split. Let Blinkplan do the boring bits for you.